When I was younger, I could be found playing/ eating dirt. There’s even a picture of me happily indulging in dirt. Family members remind me of this strange, but exciting pass time.
Lately, I’ve been thinking of things I liked to do as a child. Things that excited me and made time fly. While I doubt very seriously that I’ll be eating dirt, not too long ago my children and I were planting some peppers. As I poured out the dirt and began to put my hands in it, I began to play in it and feel a sense of peace. Now at this moment I understand why I’ve always wanted a garden, enjoy standing barefoot on the ground or dirt, and feel at ease when planting.
It’s something I’ve always took pleasure in. No, I don’t want to eat it, lol but it’s something about dirt and soil that relaxes me and puts me at ease.
That got me to wondering more about the things I enjoyed as a child. The things that just allowed time to pass by without my knowing and gave me a sense of inner excitement and peace.
What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes?
Herein lies the key to what you should be doing in your worldly pursuits.
When I was younger, I spent hours in my room writing. Whether it was poetry, a song, or a letter to a friend, I would go in my room and write for days. I would get lost in the moment of expressing myself on paper. I still have a few poems I wrote from when I was younger. It was one of my favorite past times.
Whether it’s playing in the dirt or writing poems. These were things I did as a child that excited me, sparked my creativity, and gave me a sense of inner peace.
We must remember things we’ve always loved to do that got the juices flowing within. The things we could do for hours and think nothing of it. These are the things we should revisit as adults. We should take notice of what we feel when we do them. They may give us direction as to what we should be doing in our adult life or at least guide us towards those things.
Life isn’t stagnant.
It shouldn’t feel like constant pressure. It isn’t isn’t supposed to be filled with a long list of things to do out of obligation, responsibility, and suggestions from others.
Life flows, it’s curious, exciting, and full of possibilities. We are life itself.
There are a lot of things we did as a child and we got lost in them. When we finally came up for air, we discovered we created a masterpiece and time seemed to have passed without our knowing.
These are the things we must remember and give incite as to what makes us “tick”. It’s important (even as adults) there are things in our life that make us tick. Things we do out of the sheer pleasure and curiosity we get from them.
“All work and no play is not good for the soul.”
I’m playing a whole lot more in my life.
I’m remembering some of the things that excite me and spark my curiosity. I’ve had to learn to stop operating in survival mode and always having something to do. Being a mother of five children definitely makes it easier for me to make mental note after mental note about my to do list and get loss in the obligations of life.
But, this makes for a stressed out and all to serious mama and most importantly me. I’m happier when I play and allow the ease of life to come to me. Sure, there may be days the floor isn’t mopped, but is that really more important than my sanity and ability to relax in life and sometimes do shit just because?
I think not.
So, the next time you go thinking about that long to do list or the many obligations you must fulfill, take a moment and just be. Do something that excites you and gives you a sense of fulfillment in that moment. After all, this is what life is all about. You are meant to thrive, not survive.
Written by Cha’ron Keyatha
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