Please don’t take anything I have to say personal in regards to no longer advocating for a plant based diet of food. I have taken several holistic nutrition courses by some really great people advocating plant based diets. What I have come to realize after further studies and continuing trial and error is that once again we have been lied to in regards to what is best for our bodies.
There are two things I think we can all agree upon.
!.) A lifestyle that is high in processed foods, sugar, and carbohydrates is not a healthy can have significant health effects on the body.
2.) Fasting is important for the body. It’s the only time the digestive system gets to rest and true cellular detoxification takes place.
I think that vegans, vegetarians, carnivores, and such can agree upon these two things. Now that we got that part out of the way, let’s talk about why plant based eating is not ideal for optimal nutrition. I was a vegetarian for about 1-2 years. When I became pregnant with our second child I started eating meat again. Not only did my body need it, but I felt so much healthier once it was added back into my diet. My theory with this is that there is no way the body can consume enough bio-available nutrients via a plant based diet.
Since I started doing birthwork I also discovered that a lot of women who were on plant based, vegan, and vegetarian diets were missing vital nutrients throughout their pregnancy unlike clients consuming meat. Now, I know people will say they know someone who was a vegan and had a healthy pregnancy and labor. While this may be true, I am certain that person also had to consume some kind of supplements do get the necessary levels of Vitamin K, Vitamin D, magnesium, B-vitamins, Potassium, and more.
While supplements are can be great to assist the body, in my opinion it seems we have traded one dependency for another. Some people have stopped taking antibiotics and may eat plant based diets, but they consume an awful lot of supplements to provide essential nutrients their body needs. While I do promote and sell herbal products, I always advise clients to make other lifestyle changes addition to consuming any kind of herbs. I 100% do not recommend vegan, vegetarian, or plant based diets while pregnant.
What I have come to discover over the past few years or so, is that most plants , fruits, and vegetables are not natural to our environment. What I mean by this is that a lot of plants were brought to different countries and don’t naturally grow in nature. The same can me said with fruits. Many of the fruits we consume are not authentic to nature. With the exception of berries, many fruits are hybrids. Many fruits also contain high levels of sugar, carbohydrates, and fiber. All of which are not good for the body to over consume.
I am amazed by what I have discovered over the past few years in regards to the dangers and nutritional deficiencies that can occur from consuming a majority vegan, vegetarian, and plant based diet. It took me a while to speak upon this. My first holistic nutritional certification course was from a man highly regarded in the African-American community for his knowledge about what to eat and the dangers of eating meat. However, I have learned to take the good and do away with the rest. So, while I no longer agree with some of the things he taught, I am still grateful to have learned and studied with him.
Now, let’s address a couple of things that we have been told that I can say in confidence are not true or inaccurate.
For starters, one of the things I was taught and was often regurgitated to me in wellness courses was that our ancestors did not eat meat. This is not true. I would tend to say this is a bold face lie. When you research and look at ancient tribes in various parts of the world they eat meat and lots of it. In fact, there was no way to remain healthy on berries and nuts in the wild! While these things may have been eaten when cattle was hard to come upon, on most days hunting was done and the entire animal was skinned and eater. So that is one of the things that is simply not true.
Now, let’s talk about nutrient dense and bio-available foods.
Foods the are nutrient dense contain a large amount of essential nutrients the human body needs and they are bio-available. Meaning they are easily absorbed by the body during digestion. absorbed by the body. Beef liver, Fish, eggs, and other animal based products are nutrient dense and readily absorbed by the body. In fact, organ meats are highly beneficial for the body and are packed with essential nutrients. We don’t eat enough organ meats and we certainly don’t eat enough nutrient dense foods.
Let’s take a closer look at plants.
There are some plants that have a higher nutritional value than others. However, most plants are lacking in essential nutrients and are not easily absorbed by the body. In fact, it takes the body longer to digest plant based foods and there aren’t many nutrients the body actually gets from them. Heme iron is very important for the body and can only be found in meat, poultry, and seafood. Studies say heme constitutes 95% of functional iron in the human body. Not too mention iron is a key nutrient that many of us are missing. I see this a lot with women. Both pregnant and not pregnant. They aren’t consuming enough heme iron. Often times, they supplement with iron pills and supplements but this is only a temporary fix.
There are other nutrients that are only found in high amounts in organ meats, poultry, eggs, and fish such as Vitamin A (Retinol), B12, Carnitine, Carnosine, Creatine, D3, DHA, EPA, Heme Iron, and Taurine. So, when you don’t eat enough of these foods you miss out on key nutrients. I recently added liver to my daily diet and I like the way it makes me feel. I stopped drinking celsius some time ago due to the caffeine levels, the crash, and my dependability upon it for energy. I think I’ve found its’ substitution in beef liver. I freeze dried it and I take 3-4 pieces every morning to start off my day. Not too mention my periods only last about 3 days. I’ve never had long periods, but now they are relatively short and I don’t experience cramps or any other intense side effects. At most, I feel more tired than usual, but I think this is the body’s way of alerting us to do less when we first start our cycle.
When I looked back on my childhood and thought about what we ate I realized we ate it all. Pork, beef, chicken, seafood, chitlins, etc. We ate eggs as well. It wasn’t until the 90’s and 2000’s that we started to see a vegetarian diet being promoted and “science” saying that red meat causes heart disease. (Which is also not true) Also, just take a look at some vegans and look at vegans and vegetarians and see if they actually look healthy. By the way, being skinny is not an indication that you are healthy. The body should have a sufficient amount of muscles and fat. Being to thin/skinny does not correlate to good health.
It should also be noted that plants and fruits are heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals. Many plant based foods are filled with corn, soy, sometimes wheat, and beans to give that meat like texture. All of which are not good for the body and contain little to any nutrition.
The fact of the matter is that America is the most obese over eating country in the world. We eat the most processed food. get the least amount of exercise, and spend way too much time in doors. Americans are obsessed with eating foods that taste good opposed to eating foods that make you feel good. Yes, there are people who consume a vegan raw food diet and will probably be healthier than most just because they aren’t consuming processed foods. They will probably be lacking in nutrients, but the elimination of processed foods will definitely make anyone healthier initially.
I’ve also rarely met a vegan or vegetarian that didn’t “cheat” and eat meat from time to time. Even if it was seafood. At some point they all seem to crave what their body needs. From my experience this is especially true for those trying to conceive or with child. A lot of times simple changes to the diet can improve fertility and make for a healthier pregnancy.
I always say the world is upside down. Meaning that a lot of times the truth is the complete opposite of whatever is being pushed down your throat by main stream media. Often times it’s a mix of majority lies with echoes of truth mixed in. When it comes to our health we have to take matters into our own hands. Reliance and dependency upon the medical establishment and those employed by it for your wellness will often lead to further health complications.
And for the record, no, I do not recommend vaccines in any shape form or fashion. I do not recommend antibiotics either. When I say vaccines I’m not just referring to covid shots. I’m referring to all vaccines. I stopped vaccinating our children over 15 years ago. After seeing the side effects first hand and researching what is in these toxic shots it became to clear to me that I had been misinformed. Once you know and recognize that you are being lied to it is extremely hard to continue playing along. Awareness is everything and the hardest part of implementing lifelong lifestyle changes is committing to make the changes.
Many of us are afraid to let go of ideas, perspectives, lifestyles, and mindsets that are inhaling us from experiencing the life we so desperately want to see come into fruition. Change isn’t always easy. If it was everyone wouldn’t be always looking for the quick fix.
Time to make the change and start living a lifestyle independent of consistent reliability upon the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies.
As always, I encourage you to do your own research in regards to healthy eating and nutrition. There is a lot of information supporting many of the things I mentioned above, however, you will have to discover that information for yourself and then apply it to see if it holds up for you in your life.
I am available for general and pre/post pregnancy nutritional consultations.
Be Well!
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