Sound Nutrition
Health & Wellness
Holistic health encompasses a variety of things. It isn’t solely about what we eat. It’s about how much exercise we get, proper nutrients and our bodies ability to assimilate them, our overall state of mind, our emotional health, and more. Maintaining harmony within the body/mind is dependent upon our ability to make the necessary lifestyle changes and doing them until they become habits.
The body is a self-healing organism. What we put into our body daily can promote healing or hinder it. Food and nutrients play an integrate role in our overall health. In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly challenging to provide our bodies with healthy food sources free of toxins and gmo’s.
We are constantly being bombarded with radiation and excessive mental stimulation. As a result of this, it is important that we incorporate monthly detoxing and fasting (preferrably intermittent & some short dry fasts) into our health regimen. (More on fasting later. I’m an advocate of water and dry fasting (mostly dry fasting) to reset and detox the cells within the body.
My journey into holistic health and nutrition started over 15 years ago. I moved to the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area to attend a Metaphysical school called the Institute of Spiritual Enlightenment and attend a Ph.D program in African Studies at Howard University. I never completed either of those programs.
However, I learned so much about esoteric studies, holistic nutrition, energy healing, and more. I became a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor and began to assist family and friends with their health. My daughter was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when she was in the 5th grade. My studies in holistic nutrition and health gave me the ability to assist in her healing. I never utilized any pharmaceutical drugs that were offered by doctors.
I utilized herbs, supplements, physical therapy, relaxation techniques, and decided to homeschool her. It became clear to me that when the body is relaxed, unnecessary stress is eliminated, and it receives nutrient dense foods, the bodies ability to heal itself is heightened. Removing anxiety, stress, and fear from our daily lives is also of the utmost importance if we want to heal.
Restoring our bodies and minds to their optimal frequency requires lifestyle changes and consistency. It can be no other way.
“Small changes eventually add up to huge results”
— Unknown
Wellness Blueprint
Includes will include an initial assessment and evaluation, email of recap session, any applicable handouts, herbal advice, mental & emotional recommendations, and a 7-day meal plan.
This isn’t for the faint at heart.
Dry fasting protocols, coaching throughout the process, extensive research & experience, and a 1-3 day refeeding plan post fast recovery time is included.
Handmade Products
Get started with 60-75 minute assessment and evaluation, email recap of session including personalized blueprint of broad, big picture goals, all of which serves as the basic structure of our work together, and any applicable handouts.
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