Your uncomfortability and resistance may be the key to your inner-standing. Since I started on a path into alternative and holistic medicine years ago, so much about my perspectives and what I was taught to be true have changed. I think it is important that we remain open to new ideas and perspectives in regards to our health. A lot of the things we have been taught via our educational system and even in some “alternative” healing modalities are not true.
For instance, we are being bombarded with plant based everything nowadays and it’s been popular for quite some time. However, I would encourage you to do your own research in regards to plant based diets. Often times, agendas are pushed via the main stream media and although we may not always see it at first, there is usually a reason for it. When I attended school for holistic nutrition we were taught that fruits and vegetables are far superior. Meat was the enemy and apparently we were being lied to in regards to consuming meat. Especially, red meat. It really got a bad reputation in the holistic health community.
I can say with confidence that we have been bamboozled in that regards. If you research tribes in Africa and other countries who were hunters and gathers, it is clear to see that we did in fact eat meat. Not only did we eat meat, we ate the entire animal. Organs and all. However, the majority of us stay away from organ meat and tend to eat meat with muscles and bones in it. We are missing the most nutritious part of the animal when we do this! There is no way it would have been possible to live off of fruits and vegetables throughout the duration of the seasons.
I was surprised to learn of the many untruths that are told within the “holistic” community as well. I was surprised to learn we don’t need fiber. We don’t need many supplements. Carbohydrates aren’t the bodies preferred source of fuel, or that plants can give off toxins that are not good for our health.
Not too mention, the fact that viruses don’t exist in nature and are in fact created to roll out and persuade the public to take toxic, harmful, and unnecessary vaccines. There are so many things we have been taught that are not true.
There is a reason for this.
I will not get into the reasoning this time, but my plan is to start writing more to share my experiences and what I’ve learned thus far since I’ve been Earthside. I would encourage you to look and see for yourself. If you’re looking for main stream media or the medical field to give you the truth you are sadly mistaken. The majority of them have been trained and studied at the same institutions that started the pharmaceutical industry.
However, there are others who truly want to help. Others who are putting in the time, dedication, and losing their license to practice medicine, so that they can get the truth out. I will leave some websites, names, and books below. The rest is up to you. It’s time we start taking responsibility for our health and questioning the narrative we have been given for so many years.
The truth often times feels uncomfortable, there will be resistance, and sometimes relapses back to old unhealthy ways. There will be disapproval from others and if you are not ready to sometimes stand alone, you will continue to go along with the narratives given for the sake of fitting in. I’ve had to let go of “fitting in” several times to live a life that reflects who I am. I’ve had people question my choices and distance themselves from me due to my viewpoints. I’ve also made new friendships and discovered like-minded individuals along this path. Talked to people who are open and okay with questioning what we have been told in regards to our health and overall his-story.
I don’t claim to know to know everything or have al of the answers. I’m simply sharing my perspectives, viewpoints, and experiences as someone who has been in the field of “holistic” health and nutrition for over 15 years now. As someone who decided to no longer vaccinate my children over 15 years ago, as someone who decided to start giving birth at home instead of the hospital, as someone who first loc’d her hair almost 26 years ago when it wasn’t so popular, as someone who’s been a vegetarian and lived the plant based lifestyle, as someone who has had clients who were majority plant based opposed to those who consumed meat and been able to see the difference, as someone who decided to homeschool her children, and as a mother of five.
I say all of this to say that a lot of what I share and know is based off of my personal experiences. In addition to years of studying, researching, and learning from others. I have tried a lot. I have been wrong . I have been right too, but more importantly, I have been curious. Curiosity has led me to places I would’ve never known had I been closed off or unable to change when necessary.
I would like to leave you with this.
Your health is your wealth.
You can have all the money in the world, but if you aren’t physically, mentally, and emotionally harmonized within yourself, you might as well be broke. If ongoing trauma, stress, and fear are at the forefront of your life you might want to stop and do some self-reflecting. Our bodies are intelligent.
We are not designed to live off of carbohydrates, sugar, no sunlight, endless supplements etc. The body is not suited for an over abundance of processed and manmade chemicals, additives, vaccines, water, air, toxins, and stress. However, it will and can detox these things. Often times, the detox is the dis-ease we are told we have.
I would encourage you to consider that what we have been taught is dis-ease is actually the body’s way to detox from the toxins and stress it is exposed to on a daily basis. Your long covid is NOT covid at all. My guess is that it is your body is trying to expel whatever it is inside of those concoctions that were created. The body wants to stay healthy. It wants to thrive and it will do whatever is necessary to do so. In the event the toxic load is too much, it will eventually lead to dis-ease. The goal of the body is always to heal. Remember that.
I encourage you to do your research in regards to the medical system, viruses, vaccines, nutrition, trauma, and the pharmaceutical industry. I also encourage you to do your research in regards to plant based eating. It is nearly impossible to get bioavailable nutrients from fruits and plants. Fruits contain a lot of sugar and carbs which can still be harmful to the body when consumed in excessive forms.
Lastly, let’s not forget about the effects of trauma, stress, and fear. Many illnesses are the result of life circumstance and events that we never digested or dealt with. Often times, all that is needed is for awareness to be brought to these things, so that healthy realizations and changes can take place.
Oh yeah, one more thing. If my content is not for you, it is not for you and I would encourage you to unsubscribe . My views, perspectives, content, and experiences are not for everyone. This is something I have had to learn to be okay with.
Please know that my intent is never nefarious and my heart is definitely in the right place. Can you say the same about your Dr, health care provider, the pharmaceutical companies, or media?
For more about my story please browse my website. For health coaching consultations, sound therapy sessions, or birth services please call or email me.
The Final Pandemic:An Antidote To Medical Tyranny
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
Rising From The Dead
Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare
Free Private Cities: Making Governments Compete For You
The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease
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