Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, see everything that could go right
We are taught scarcity at an early age. The
“there isn’t enough theme”
seems to be something we are taught at an early age even in the smallest of ways. Do you remember your parents telling you there is no food to waste and reminding you of all the starving children around the world? How about, “the world isn’t big enough” to hold so many people rubbish.” Oh, and what about the “all the good men are taken” line a lot of women constantly reinforce.
Whether we are aware of it or not, many of us are consistently running a program of lack and not having enough. As a child, I can recall our hot water being off or my mom struggling to pay the rent. These kind of experiences are deeply rooted within our psyche. If we are not aware, we run the risk of repeating cycles and carrying this idea that we can never have and there will never be enough. Then we hold on to past experiences to validate these beliefs. Then we cling to things, people, and that validate the “I don’t have enough” mindset. Unconsciously manifesting more of the same.
It is important to overstand that anyone can have the lack or there isn’t enough mindset. This concept can be seen within the parameters of all socioeconomic classes. The wealthy are afraid to lose their money and power, so they cling, while others have been made to think for so long they don’t have and can’t attain. So, they to also unconsciously cling to that idea. The only way to change the narrative is to bring awareness to it. See it and then ask yourself if this is the truth you want to keep clinging too. This idea that there will never be enough. See how it’s working for you in your life. Just bringing awareness to patterns and doing things that support a new narrative can have a ripple effect on the course of your life.
Don’t turn away when it seems your reality hasn’t caught up yet. Think of the years of programming of your current narrative and know that it may take time to see physical changes. This doesn’t mean they aren’t happening and won’t come into fruition. Maybe there’s more that has to align and more you have to see for what it is in order to move past it.
This idea that we don’t have enough time is another false narrative we tell ourselves and live by. This one is big, as it puts us in a constant race to be and do things within a required timeframe. We are always “on the clock” whether it’s literally or figuratively. We have an actual clock, watches, dates, years, a biological clock and it is all there to subliminally remind us that our time can and will run out. So we start on the hamster wheel and some of us never get off.
When I am trying to make sense of things I often look to nature. What I know and see from spending time in nature, is that nature has no clock. Everything in nature seems to be cyclical in how it operates. Meaning, there are cycles that it seems to follow, but there is no external clock that it looks too. It is its’ own clock. It seems to self-regulate.
We too can self regulate. We too can learn how to create from a place of
“I will always have what I need.”
Opposed to a place of “there isn’t enough.” There is more than enough. There is more than enough to go around to everyone. This idea that we have to compete for our very existences is another narrative that we have to stop and take a look at. It is limiting and keeps us in survival mode. We are so afraid to be without and unknowingly support this fear with our actions. Then we use trauma and past experiences to validate that “there isn’t enough.”
Have you ever thought about what your life would look like if you took on the idea “that there is enough”? If your choices were made from this place opposed to the I don’t have and scarcity mindset. In those moments when you make choices from a place of fear or lack, remind yourself that there is enough. Take a walk, look at the trees, all the plants, and animals. See the abundance in nature. Know that you were given all that is necessary to be and feel supported. You have enough and you are enough. If you’re measuring your value according to the standards of this world, you may want to bring awareness to this. It isn’t necessary to look outside of yourself to determine your value. If this is done, you will always be looking at others and societal norms to gauge your value and worth.
While the idea of time and the clock was created to keep us locked into a particular mindset, it is a construct we adhere to while earth-side. Therefore, it is important to know how to navigate both realities. How to utilize the system without being trapped within or to the ideologies of it. It can be done. When you start making choices rooted from a I trust and know that I am supported place, it sends an alert to your body and brain that all is well. These constant alerts change the narrative. Your thoughts will try to get you back into that place of scarcity, lack, and I am not supported, but keep overriding that program with the new one. Eventually the upgrade will take place.
Don’t give up.
You got this.
So often we give up too soon. Stay the course and know within your heart of hearts that you have the power to rewrite the script.
In Tune,
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