Everyone talks about living and being in the moment. From Big Sean to Echart Tolle. But, what does this really mean? Can we really embrace the moment from a place of fear and/or desire?
The moment is all there is. I’ve read this and listened to others speak of this time and time again. It sounds incredibly simple, yet it can be very challenging. So, I asked myself the question why. Why is it so challenging?
This is what the moment gave me.
It’s challenging, because we are born into specific cultures, with specific races, specific religions, and ideas about who we are and how we should be.
It’s challenging, because we are always approaching the moment from a place of lack or desire. Never from a place of spontaneity.
It’s challenging, because we are always trying to improve ourselves. How can we live in the moment if we’re always trying to improve it and shape it into what we think it should be?
It’s challenging, because we don’t want to let go of our spiritual beliefs and ideas. We want to cling to every book, video, retreat, and philosophical idea.
It’s challenging, because we have been programmed. Programmed to believe we are blemished, tarnished, and born into sin and not love.
It’s challenging, because we want to be seen. We want to be validated. We want to be successful. We want fulfillment. We want a certain amount of money in our bank account. We want, want, want something from the moment.
It’s challenging, because we can’t let go. Of people, places, ideas, spiritual practices, childhood trauma, etc. But, if the moment is all there really is, all of those things are nothing more than memories and images that we have chosen to continuously identify with.
It’s challenging because we micromanage the fuck out of our lives. We put so many time restraints, expectations, desires, and what if’s on life. The moment then becomes another conversation with the mind instead of acceptance of what is.
Cha’ron Keyatha
it’s challenging, because we take in too much information. We’re constantly searching, seeking, reading a damn book, watching a video or theorizing about life. When in all actuality, the moment requires none of this.
It’s challenging, because we pay too much attention to our thoughts. We choose which ones to identify with and then come up with all kinds of stories based upon our thoughts. We try to remove them or listen to them. But, are there really any thoughts in the moment? Or do we create them by tuning into our mind instead of letting the moment be.
I’m not proclaiming to be a guru at living in the moment. But, it doesn’t take a guru to notice that we are living in our heads. We are addicted to our thoughts. We are addicted to our emotions. We are addicted to our stories. We are addicted to our spiritual beliefs.
We have come to believe that we are something other than what we are at any given moment. So. we endlessly search, we attend retreat after retreat and watch video after video. We read book after book and join organization after organization. We trade in traditional religion for modern spirituality. We seek validation on social media. We always want more. We’re always looking for some kind of way to be fulfilled.
It’s challenging, but it’s suppose to be simple.
The moment always is. It simply is.
We define it and resist it. We fill it with the jargon of our mind and paint it with the past and future.
But, we don’t have to.
We can relax into life. Tune into ourselves, and accept life as it comes. Acceptance doesn’t mean we’re always okay with the moment, but it means we are no longer resisting it, whatever it may be.
So, in the words of Big Sean “It’s that simple, it’s all about living in the moment. Period.”
Tune into you, let the rest go.
Cha’ron Keyatha
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