I remember when white scaly patches first started appearing on my knees and elbows. I was in middle school and very conscious of my skin. My mother took me to the doctor and they diagnosed me with psoriasis. They gave me some medicated tape that I would place on my knees and whenever I ripped it off all of the dead skin would be on the tape, it hurt like hell. (I’m so happy they moved on from that tape) I remember getting teased about my skin and wearing lots of pants so no one would notice those white/red scaly patches. Throughout the summer my skin would always clear up. (I attribute this to the sun) However, whenever there was colder whether I would have a break out. (The sungazing, watching the sun rise and set, and being sure you aren’t always covering your eyes with sunglasses are excellent ways to benefit from the healing power of the sun)
There would be times when my skin would be clear for several months at a time. However, I didn’t start to see complete healing until I began to study holistic nutrition. I began to learn about inflammation in the body and what exactly an autoimmune disorder was. I learned the importance of keeping the Ph of the body balanced and how to look at specific body parts to detect possible imbalances. Then I began to implement what I learned into my life.
I began to eat gluten free, remove unhealthy foods & habits, fast more, detox, include more herbs & nutritional supplements, get adequate sunlight, and shift my perspectives.
I began to go years at a time without my skin flaring up. Even till this day, whenever my skin flares up I’m always able to pinpoint what it is and make adjustments. Sometimes its as simple as getting more sunlight, while other times I do detoxes and fasts to reboot my system. My daughter was also diagnosed with Juvenile Rhuematoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder that affects the joints. When she began to have flare-ups and the Dr.’s were unable to provide her with any relief. (Except recommending steroids and cortisone shots which I knew she would NOT be getting) I began to implement what I already knew with my daughter and further my studies in nutrition.
There were many days and weeks my daughter was unable to get of bed and restricted to a wheelchair to get around. Those moments were very challenging for her and is what ultimately led to me home-schooing her and now all of my children. I’m grateful that my daughter’s health has improved and she no longer spends weeks with chronic pain.
One thing I noticed not only with my daughter, but with other clients is the effect stress and anxiety has on the immune system. We are bombarded with environmental pollutants, unclean water, harmful EMF’s (cell phones, towers, and smart meters to name a few) and GMO foods. We microwave our food (which removes nutrients from the food) and don’t get out in nature enough. (Nature is a wonderful healing power and I will be writing a blog on this very soon!)
There are simple changes we can start taking in our daily lives. The road to optimal health requires a healthy balance of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual or expanded bodies. There are simple changes we can start making today to impact our overall health & wellness. We all possess the knowledge and wisdom to heal ourselves. Our body was created to be a self-healing organism. We just have to start creating a healthy environment for our body to initiate its’ internal healing compass.
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