I’ve been having a ton of fun planting fruits & veggies and doing some foraging.
I’m amazed by the number of herbs there are growing right in my backyard. Today, while I was working out I noticed a flower. I looked at the flower and said to myself, “That’s an herb and I’m going to see which one it is after my workout.” (Had to finish my workout of course)
So, I went over and looked at the flower. It was a beautiful pink, yellow, and purple looking flower. Almost looked like some kind of daisy or sunflower and it felt very familiar to me. (The latter being the fancy way of saying it) I’m pretty sure I knew what it was, but just couldn’t remember. So, I looked it up an lo and behold it was a purple cone flower aka Echinacea Purpurea.
I can’t explain to you how excited I was!
Echinacea is a staple in our home and I use it whenever anyone in the house becomes sick. However, we mostly drink it as a tea, but now that I discovered it in a field close by we will be using it as a tincture to.
I really enjoy making tinctures and I’m excited to share with you how to make an Echinacea tincture and reap all the amazing benefits of this beautiful plant.
You may be wondering what exactly a tincture is.
Well, a tincture is a liquid extract made using herbs that can be taken orally. (However, tinctures can be made using other things as well) Usually, the herbs are extracted by soaking them in alcohol or glycerin for an extended period of time. (Usually 4-8 weeks and maybe longer in some instances)
Now, let’s get to the fun part.
First, I picked herbs locally. However, you can make Echinacea tincture using fresh or dried herbs. I used fresh herbs for my tincture.
Next, I rinsed off the herbs and cut the flowers, leafs, and stems of the herbs into small pieces.
Then, I put all of the fresh parts of the plant into a mason jar and filled it up with 80 proof vodka. (I usually use 80 or 100 proof vodka for my tinctures. Everclear can be used as well using a 1:1 ratio of Everclear and vodka)
After that, I added a ceylon cinnamon stick to the jar to boost its’ anti-inflammatory properties and give it a more pleasant taste. (I got the tip about the cinnamon stick from reading someone else’s blog)
Lastly, I labeled the jar with the date, name of the herb, and the earliest date it would be ready to strain. Then, I stored it in my cabinet in a cool and dry place.
Oh yeah, I forgot that once you have let it sit for the designated time just strain it and then pour it into a tincture bottle.
That’s it! It’s that simple.
Now, your family, friends, clients, etc can reap the many benefits of this herb.
Oh yeah about that part…..
Let’s get to the benefits of Echinacea Purpurea.
Here are the benefits:
* Assists in upper respiratory Issues
* Used as a preventive for cancer and cancer treatment
* Pain Relief
* Reduces Infections
* Increases Production of White Blood Cells In The Body
* Reduces Inflammation
* Skin Care (Psoriasis, Sunburn, Eczema
* Controls Blood Sugar Levels
* Speeds Healing & Recovery
* Enhances Detoxification
* Cures ADD
* Regulates Blood Sugar
as you can see there are some pretty amazing benefits of Echinacea.
Dosages: A squeeze is about 15-20 drops, or 1ml. A teaspoon is roughly equivalent to 5ml. The most commonly used dose for tinctures is 20-40 drops or 1-2 squeezes. In general, the more acute a condition, the more frequent the doses.
It can also be taken to prevent illness, but I mostly utilize it when anyone in our house is sick.
Children’s Dosage: 1/8 dose for children 2-5 and ¼ dose for older children.
Echinacea shouldn’t be taken on an empty stomach or for extended periods at a time without a short break in between. (Taking it too long without a break can decrease it’s effectiveness) For example, five days on and then 2-3 days off would be good and that could be repeated.
I’ll be selling this along with other homemade tinctures on my store page. So, be sure to sign-up for my newsletter.
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