Handpicked and handmade, shiso has many amazing uses and has been utilized in Asian cooking for quite some time. This plant is high in nutrients. This plant contains fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Extracts from the leaves have shown antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, GI, and dermatologic properties.The leaf extracts are The leaves were often dried and used to treat morning sickness and for congestion due to colds or seasonal allergies. It is used to treat/ assist in treating asthma, nausea, reduce cancer cells, PMS relief, and anxiety.
The sap from the leaves can treat wounds and bites. The oil from perilla seeds is also very useful. The seeds of the Perilla plant are made of 35-45% fats. Of all oils, Perilla oil is one of the highest in Omega 3 oils. Due to this along with its’ smell and flavor it is often used for cooking.
It’s potential to reduce cancer cells, treat arthritis, reduce inflammation, promote healthy skin, and prevent brain damage and neurological diseases, and heart health are a few reasons why perilla oil (tinctures too) have been used in asian cooking and are becoming more popular around the world.
It is rare to find this plant in tincture form and I’m grateful to have it growing right in my backyard. I’m definitely going to look into making perilla oil as well.
Perilla can be used for culinary purposes, drank as a tea, used as a tincture, and made into a slave. ( I haven’t seen any Perilla salve, but it sounds like something that could be very useful)
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