It has 5x the Vitamin C of lemons and 4-5x more vitamin C than a glass of orange juice! It also contains vitamin A and resveratrol. (A natural compound with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties). They also contain shikimick acid which offers protection from blood clots.
Now, let’s talk about what it’s good for.
It’s good for respiratory health, coughs, colds, phlegm, and the flu. It’s great for cold and flu season. It also is great for preventing illness. It also improves vision, stimulates circulation, speeds healing, and strengthens the heart. It can also assist in treating diseases resulting from nerve malfunction, neuralgic disorders and rheumatism.
The inner bark of the tree can also be chewed and offers additional health benefits.
The nutritional and medicinal properties of the needles are best preserved by steeping the needles in hot water instead of boiling them, you can steep for as little as 15 mins or a long as a few days. The flavor is quite pleasant.
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