Bethroot contains steroidal saponins that have a hormonal effect on the body. Saponins are a group of naturally occurring plant glycosides that can be found in medicinal plants. Saponins are perceived to reduce the risk of colon cancers as well as prevent the production of tumors. Some research under way has determined that saponins contain anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor activities. An anti-mutagenic is a component that prevents cells from mutating or replicating.
The root is antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, expectorant, tonic, uterine tonic. It is used internally in the treatment of a wide range of women's complaints including hemorrhage from the uterus, urinary tract and lungs, and also to curb excessive menstruation. It has proved to be of value in stopping bleeding after parturition. Externally, it is used to treat excessive vaginal discharge, ulcers (especially varicose), skin complaints, gangrene, insect bites and stings. It is also used as a wash for sore nipples.
Some of its’ benefits are the following:
* Managing Post partum Bleeding
* Menstrual Symptoms
* Ulcers and Tumors
* Skin Irritation
* Gastrointestinal bleeding
* Cough and Arthritis
* Menopausal Health
* Chest congestion
* Reduces swelling
* Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, Bruises (when applied to skin)
Do NOT use throughout pregnancy. Can be taken pre, during, and post labor under the supervision of your healthcare provider.
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