Welcome to the amazing world of Motherwort!
This herb supports healthy reproductive function in women. In fact, it is reliable herb often used my midwives and mothers. It is a tonic for the nervous system and cardiovascular system. Motherwort soothes and brightens one’s disposition making it an excellent herb to relieve anxiety and tension.
It’s major functions are it relieves childbirth pain, stimulates uterine contractions after delivery, eases post-partum anxiety, calms heart palpations, irregular heartbeat, and rapid heartbeat.
Motherwort’s uses are to treat asthma, lack of menstruation, menopausal symptoms, flatulence, hyperthyroidism, nervous heart complaints, to treat menstrual disorders, and cardiac conditions such as palpations.
It has also been used as an anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory antispasmodic, anti anxiety, anticancer herb, and cardiotonic.
It’s uses are many and it is definitely an herb to keep close by due to its’ ability to promote relaxation and support the heart.
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