Welcome to the dream world of mugwort. Known for its’ ability to give its’ user lucid dreaming along with a heavy does of protection, mugwort has several benefits and has been used for many years. It is thought to, calm the nerves, support digestion, and promote regular periods.
I discovered mugwort while walking back from one of my runs. I looked at it and knew it was something. Once I discovered it was mugwort, I knew I had to have more of it. So, mugwort and I shared a couple of words. Then off I went to take this magical herb home.
Mugwort can be burned to bring in grounding energy, for protection, purification, enhances concentration, supports meditation & stillness, enhances cognitive support, connecting with feminine energy, removing stagnant energy, headaches, insomnia.
It can also be taken as a tincture or drank as a tea to soothe anxiety, calm the nerves, digestive issues, traumas, (drug overdoes etc) promotes circulation, as a sedative, to treat epilepsy, hysteria, induce childbirth, treat the liver, colds, and bronchitis. Mugwort is also used to make beer.
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