Open Your Heart
Red Rose flower essence resonates with an energy of love and reminds us of the importance of nurturing, loving, and accepting ourselves and others. Rose is a flower essence of compassion and relates to the heart chakra. Rose has the ability to heal the heart, release past trauma, and address feelings of unworthiness. It also addresses issues such as grief, loss of vitality, feelings of being disconnected, and anxiety.
It encourages a softness of the heart, excitement for life, and reignites one’s passion for life. It enhances feelings of gratitude, uplifts the aura, and shifts our energetic vibration to one of love and peace.
Let love reign!
Take 3-5 drops under the tongue 4x a day or more as needed. I recommend taking them first thing in the morning or at night as these are periods of times when we are rising from rest or settling down to rest and often when subtle energies are high.
They can also be used in tea or infused in oils.
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