Let Your Light Shine
I jumpstart the rebirth by being one of the first to bloom in spring. I bring joy and light heartedness to life- I foster change. In tune with the solar plexus chakra I remind you you of this truth, “Have confidence in yourself and everything you do.”
Welcome to the wonderful world of Daffodil. Daffodils are one of the first flowers to bloom after winter and in early spring. Daffodils are wonderful for those that are overly introverted and rather shy in nature. It assists those who are reluctant to speak up and stand-out when needed.
Its’ bright yellow color syncs it with the solar plexus chakra and reminds us of the vibrant bright energy of the sun. This flower essence gives hope, ignites, rebirth, assists in transitions from very stressful situations, and instructs one on how to connect with their inner power and divine nature.
It strengthens the thymus, assists with severe depression, and reduces blood pressure and stress.
Just as this flower stands out in nature it remind us of the importance in being confident and not shying away from the spotlight should it come your way.
Directions: Apply 4-5 drops to the tongue upon waking up and prior to going to sleep. Can be taken as needed for more complex situations. Can also be applied to the solar plexus chakra, meridians, and such.
I recommend setting an intention prior to consuming all flower essences.
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